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Happily Ever After: This Home Redesign Will Melt Your Heart

By Lauren Matthews

We’ve showed you how you can stage a million dollar home in just one week on DIY’s “Raise the Roof,” now White Orchid Interiors is honored to contribute to an emotional home redesign surprise on Freeform’s “Ben & Lauren: Happily Ever After?”  From Raising The Roof To Roses At White Orchid Interiors we get to participate … Continued

Lauren Matthews Featured on DIY Network’s “Raise the Roof”

By Marni Epstein-Mervis

We’re incredibly excited to announce that White Orchid Interiors Founder, Lauren Matthews, will guest star on DIY Network’s new home-improvement show Raise the Roof. On September 6 and November 4 at 8pm PST/9pm MST Lauren will appear alongside contractor-host Keith Nylund to give recently-renovated homes the stylistic edge they need to attract buyers and bids, fast. Raise … Continued